I came across this post where this dude mentioned about being Thankful about something this year, So I was Thinking, Hey What am I Thankful for?
So Let's see... Firstly, I'm Thankful for Lavania always being there for me no matter what! The Drama that I went Through along with her. It's Really Amusing how when in the 2 Times we had some Big Issues.. It's always someone from the Outside who butts in. & I'm really Thankful for Unexpected Friends, Like Harvn. If he didn't question her, I think I could have said bye bye to her already. I'm Thankful for ALL she's Done for this Friendship.
2ndly, I'm Thankful to ALL my IJ Friends & RP friends who are still helping me make this journey a wondrous one. From the Sheesha outings, to get to gathers, to Movies, Lunch, Dinner, a Night out! You name it!
3rdly, for my Parents for pinning all their hopes on me. -.- I mean if they didn't I wouldn't be where I am... Hmmm, Guess I gotta give my Siblings some credits to. Ahh Fuck ya'll! Siblings I mean. tsk.
K, Ignoring them...
4thly, I dunnoo... I guess in Total, I'm just Thankful to be alive. A Friend once told me that we are put on this Earth for a Purpose. Well, I've been Surviving Life's Obstacles even though it has left the World's Biggest Scar in my Heart. There's just some things that has to be Sacrificed just to see the Right People Happy. All I can do out of this Situation is to PRAY that no one EVER encounters such a Situation as Mine. I mean that person might as well DIE! How long can you go on Acting like the World's Pure and you're Happy. All the Best!
So, in short, I'm Thankful for Having Survived 2010.